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Posted - 29 Oct 2008 :  05:57:46 Show Profile Reply with Quote
London buses may advertise 'there's probably no God'
October 29, 2008, 4:43 am
This handout from Atheistcampaign.Org (AC.Org) shows an artist's impression of a London bus with the slogan 'There's probably no God. Stop worrying and enjoy your life.' London's iconic red buses are to be plastered in January with the slogan in an atheist advertising campaign responding to a set of Christian ads. AFP © [Enlarge photo]

LONDON (AFP) - London's iconic red buses could be plastered with the slogan "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life," in an atheist advertising campaign responding to a set of Christian ads.

Comedy writer Ariane Sherine, 28, objected to the Christian adverts on some London buses, which carried an Internet address warning that people who rejected God were condemned to spend eternity in "torment in hell".

She sought five-pound (7.80-dollar, 6.25-euro) donations towards a "reassuring" counter-advertisement -- and received the backing of the British Humanist Association (BHA) and atheist campaigner Professor Richard Dawkins.

The campaign has already smashed its 5,500-pound target and the slogan is planned to hit the side of several London buses in January.

"We see so many posters advertising salvation through Jesus or threatening us with eternal damnation, that I feel sure that a bus advert like this will be welcomed as a breath of fresh air," said BHA chief executive Hanne Stinson.

Dawkins said: "This campaign to put alternative slogans on London buses will make people think -- and thinking is anathema to religion."

A Church of England spokesman said: "We would defend the right of any group representing a religious or philosophical position to be able to promote that view through appropriate channels.

"However, Christian belief is not about worrying or not enjoying life.

"Quite the opposite -- our faith liberates us to put this life into a proper perspective."

A spokesman for Transport for London told AFP they had not received such an advertisement application and would wait to view it before deciding whether it met their advertising guidelines.

"No advertisement of this kind has been submitted to TfL at this time," he said.

"If approved, then it will appear on our network."

I hope no-one tells them not to cross against a red light in peak hour..... it might offend them .

but some of you need to be awakened and slapped silly - William D Rauser

Absent-minded Webmaster

621 Posts

Posted - 29 Oct 2008 :  09:01:39 Show Profile Reply with Quote
Got a link to the original article? I saw a note about a photo and I'd like to see if they have it posted.

As for the content, while I applaud the desire to spread the message, I don't think the "turn so you don't burn" type of ad is exactly the best way to spread the news. I'll mull this over a little more and I may post some more thoughts on my lunch break since the prices around here (I'm at a 4-day class) are a little higher than I really want to pay.

There's no trick to being a humorist when you have the whole government working for you.
- Will Rogers
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Guitar Weenie

740 Posts

Posted - 29 Oct 2008 :  15:31:53 Show Profile Reply with Quote
You know, everytime some atheist or some Christian despiser complains, they always use the "threatening us with Hell" card.

What many of those with atheistic dogma (that's right, I said 'dogma') fail to tell you is that they're only being defensive because they don't want anyone else thinking something different from them. Many Christians just want to live their lives in peace, but those who oppose them are constantly whining about being imposed upon.

The truth is, the atheist wants everyone else going to hell with them, so that they won't feel so alone on the trip there.

"C'mon Dave, Gimme a break!"

Edited by - AXEMAN2415 on 29 Oct 2008 15:32:56
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Junior Member

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Posted - 30 Oct 2008 :  02:43:28 Show Profile Reply with Quote
Couldn't find the above article again , but here's another for you .
I have no problem with advertising Christianity on a bus or anything else .
What erks me though , is Dawkins' quote , "Dawkins said: "This campaign to put alternative slogans on London buses will make people think -- and thinking is anathema to religion."
Not just that , but the way he lumps Christianity in with his definition of "religion" . As we all know , Christianity is more than a religion , it's a relationship .

but some of you need to be awakened and slapped silly - William D Rauser
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Absent-minded Webmaster

621 Posts

Posted - 30 Oct 2008 :  12:36:05 Show Profile Reply with Quote
I certainly agree with the frustration, and I find it ironic all the university professors who think that religion and thinking don't mix when it was the Catholic Church that created the University system in the first place.

It wasn't the neophilosophers, it wasn't all the athiestic "free thinkers", it was the Catholic Church - the same Catholic Church that even some Christians seem to think of as being too dogmatic and uncritical/unthinking.

Go figure.

There's no trick to being a humorist when you have the whole government working for you.
- Will Rogers
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Guitar Weenie

740 Posts

Posted - 30 Oct 2008 :  16:13:31 Show Profile Reply with Quote
To many militant atheists (and many fair minded atheists, even) the term "thinking" only has to do with their side of the argument. In other words, to their minds, you are only actually thinking when you are not being "manipulated" by religion.

Oh, and you're right, Shred: Whenever "religion" is used by it's detractors, it is usually Christianity that they mean. It is a way to indict the faith of Christianity, without actually having to single it out. This is yet another piece of evidence that Christianity is true; atheists are just fine with any other religion (even religions that claim the deity of God), but it is Christianity that gets their blood boiling.

Jesus did tell us that we would be hated because of Him. Jesus also said that the world hates him (and His disciples) because He is not of the world.

"C'mon Dave, Gimme a break!"

Edited by - AXEMAN2415 on 30 Oct 2008 16:14:17
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Junior Member

322 Posts

Posted - 31 Oct 2008 :  18:04:54 Show Profile Reply with Quote
"In other words, to their minds, you are only actually thinking when you are not being "manipulated" by religion."
I agree Will , but I would add , or when you agree with them .
Here's a quote from Ravis' new book , " The End Of Reason " . While I've taken it out of context with what he was addressing { embryonic stem cell research & abortion } , I believe it states the catalyst for many an atheistic concept .

"It seems to me that Harris's outrage has little to do with the value of human life but everything to do with protecting HIS power & HIS value system . It is not Christians he is fighting; it is any authority that seeks to impose any parameters on HIS "freedom" , while he cleverly tries to impose his own parameters on others ."
Blinded by their own hypocrisy , & too arrogant to care .

but some of you need to be awakened and slapped silly - William D Rauser
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