AXEMAN2415 Guitar Weenie
USA 740 Posts | Posted - 10 Mar 2006 : 20:17:14 
| Lesson #17 Chord Formula Chart
I would like to give you a chord building chart.
Chord Type----------Symbol----------'Spelling'-----------
1. Major Triad M 1 3 5
2. Minor Triad m 1 b3 5
3. Diminished Triad dim 1 b3 b5
4. Augmented Triad aug,+,#5 1 3 #5
5. Major 7 M7 1 3 5 7
6. Minor 7 m7 1 b3 5 b7
7. Dominant 7 7 1 3 5 b7
8. Half-Diminished m7b5 1 b3 b5 b7
9. Augmented 7 7#5 1 3 #5 b7
10. Diminished 7 Dim 7 1 b3 b5 b7
11. Suspended 4th sus4 1 4 5
12. Suspended 2nth sus2 1 2 5
13. 7 Suspended 4th 7sus4 1 4 5 b7
14. Major 9 M9 1 3 5 7 9
15. Minor 9 m9 1 b3 5 b7 9
16. Dominant 9 9 1 3 5 b7 9
17. Add 9 add9 1 3 5 9
18. Augmented 9 7#9,7+9 1 3 5 b7 #9
19. 7flat 9 7b9,7-9 1 3 5 b7 b9
20. Major 6/9 M6/9 1 3 5 6 9
21. Major 6 M6, 6 1 3 5 6
22. Minor 6 m6 1 b3 5 6
23. Minor b6 mb6 1 b3 5 b6
24. Dominant 7/6 7/6 1 3 5 6 b7
25. Major 11 M11 1 3 5 7 9 11
26. Minor 11 m11 1 b3 5 b7 9 11
27. Dominant 11 11 1 3 5 b7 9 11
28. Dominant 7#11 7#11 1 3 5 b7 9 #11
29. Major 13 M13 1 3 5 7 9 11 13
30. Minor 13 m13 1 b3 5 b7 9 11 b13
Allow me to point out that there are plenty more chord formulas. This is not a comprehensive list.And also, some of these structures can be synonymous with other structures.This is 'theory', but sometimes theory and practice can clash. That is why there is so much misunderstanding and confusion in music. | "C'mon Dave, Gimme a break!" | Edited by - AXEMAN2415 on 10 Mar 2006 20:18:10 |