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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ShredheadPosted - 19 Mar 2007 : 04:24:32
How does he do it ?

Like this

He's now a Christian ..... oh , & did I mention he's an AUSSIE !!
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AnonJrPosted - 24 Mar 2007 : 19:18:39
I can never hear that song without hearing the Twisted Tunes version...

And yes, it is sad that they thought they were rockin.
ShredheadPosted - 24 Mar 2007 : 18:25:32
LOL , at least the sheep one was supposed to be funny . CD & A , actually thought they were rockin out .

AnonJrPosted - 24 Mar 2007 : 09:17:07
That second one was just wrong on so many levels.....

Almost like this one. (The rest are here)
ShredheadPosted - 24 Mar 2007 : 05:32:21
Now we know!

Hmmmmm .
AnonJrPosted - 23 Mar 2007 : 13:23:15
I'll have to remember to check those out as soon as I get home. I was trying to follow some of those harmonics lessons in the first video (with varying degrees of success) last night. Fun stuff.
AXEMAN2415Posted - 23 Mar 2007 : 12:54:30
Some more Aussie music you guys would never have heard .

Now we know!
ShredheadPosted - 23 Mar 2007 : 04:35:29
Some more Aussie music you guys would never have heard . it was rumoured , Jimmy was almost DLR's replacement .

had to throw this one in , just for the lyrics

See ya later , sons of the south lol .
ShredheadPosted - 23 Mar 2007 : 01:36:03
The Aussies are everywhere! for such a (relatively) small country, they sure do manage to put out a lot of noteworthy people - and a cool accent.

Don't forget our sense of humour.

The Golden Phone

An American decided to write a book about famous churches around the world.

For his first chapter he decided to write about American churches. So he
bought a plane ticket and took a trip to Washington , thinking that he would work
his way across the country .

On his first day he was inside a church taking photographs when he noticed a
golden telephone mounted on the wall with a sign that read "$10,000 per
call". The writer, being intrigued, asked a priest who was strolling by what
the telephone was used for. The priest replied that it was a direct line to
heaven and that for $10,000 you could talk to God.The writer thanked the
priest and went along his way.

Next stop was in Kentucky . There, at a very large cathedral, he saw the
same golden telephone with the same sign under it. He wondered if this was
the same kind of telephone he saw in Washington and he asked a nearby nun what
its purpose was. She told him that it was a direct line to heaven and that
for $10,000 he could talk to God. "O.K., thank you," said the writer.

He then travelled to California ,Florida , Texas , Alaska , Oklahoma and North Carolina . In every church he saw the same golden telephone with the same
"$10,000 per call" sign under it.

The American, upon leaving North Carolina , decided to travel to Australia & see if they have the same phone . He arrived in
Queensland , and again, there was the same golden telephone, but this time the
sign under it read "10 cents per call."

The writer was surprised so he asked the priest about the sign.

"Father, I've travelled all over America and I've seen this same golden
telephone in many churches. I'm told that it is a direct line to Heaven, but
in every American state the price was $10,000 per call. Why is it so cheap here?"

The priest smiled and answered, "You're in Australia now son, it's a local

AXEMAN2415Posted - 22 Mar 2007 : 17:37:26
Petrucci makes it look soooo easy

While that is certainly true, we all have to remember that Petrucci did not always possess such astounding technique. His abilities are a testament to his disciplined approach to learning his craft, and his hunger for better results.
AnonJrPosted - 21 Mar 2007 : 21:17:26
Originally posted by AXEMAN2415
Anon, that video you have is not meant for
Do ya think? Petrucci makes it look soooo easy - and yet I find myself just sticking with the first few minutes of the lesson.

Originally posted by AXEMAN2415
It's easier to get your point across with good songs than good technique...just ask Angus Young (oh, BTW, yet another Aussie, there sure are a lot of you
The Aussies are everywhere! for such a (relatively) small country, they sure do manage to put out a lot of noteworthy people - and a cool accent.

Seriously though, point taken.
AXEMAN2415Posted - 20 Mar 2007 : 14:30:08
Anon, that video you have is not meant for Sweep picking is certainly a cool technique, but it might be more musically productive to learn chords and scales first...or at least develope good rhythm skills before you trot into the deep end.

It's easier to get your point across with good songs than good technique...just ask Angus Young (oh, BTW, yet another Aussie, there sure are a lot of you
AnonJrPosted - 20 Mar 2007 : 13:30:01
Originally posted by Shredhead
Ahh well , practice makes perfect

Actually, practice makes permanent... if you practice it wrong all the time, it will still be wrong. I had a soccer coach who kept reminding us of that. Ever since, when I hear that quote its really bugged me too.

I've got on loan another video that I've been spending some time with. I've been interested in sweep picking lately. Having said that, I bookmarked the video for future reference.
ShredheadPosted - 20 Mar 2007 : 02:17:27
Cool , now you've got some to practice
Although , as I'm sure Will will tell....{ Will will tell , William Tell hmmm lol } you , those 'false' harmonics are played differently on an electric .

I'm strugglin a bit with Tommys' technique , I can't seem to get the timing right , or the plectrum comes out of my hand while I'm trying to pick the other notes . Ahh well , practice makes perfect
AnonJrPosted - 19 Mar 2007 : 11:56:29
Funny you would post that - Will and I were just talking about harmonics yesterday.

And I think I could have figured out that he was an Aussie when he started speaking... you guys do have a rather distinct accent.

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