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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ShredheadPosted - 14 Dec 2009 : 03:01:43
Goldy's not bad either
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AXEMAN2415Posted - 18 Dec 2009 : 18:29:09
Yeah, it sounded like Paul Gilbert...but I have to tell you the guitar player in the video was a horrible mimic....I couldn't watch it for long.
ShredheadPosted - 18 Dec 2009 : 16:00:58
I actually saw Jeff & Big Chick one time , during the night he said that Goldy had become a Christian , he also mentioned the guitar player from Prince had .Whether they still are or not , I don't know .

There's also this ;
Note who's credited with the shredding . It doesn't say he's a christian , but one would have to assume if he's played with Daryl Mansfield he's at least heard the gospel .
AXEMAN2415Posted - 17 Dec 2009 : 23:28:59
Is Craig Goldy a Christian? He was Dio's main guitar player for a lot of years...and I think he's back with Dio...Not that I mind, but I just wonder how many famous musicians are actually really converted to Christ.

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