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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ShredheadPosted - 19 Jan 2009 : 04:51:35
Ya'll aint never had no roast chicken ?!

And you don't know what a ute is ? Tell me it aint so

or is it true ....ya'll just don't get it ??
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ShredheadPosted - 31 Jan 2009 : 06:08:56
chaffing ??
AXEMAN2415Posted - 31 Jan 2009 : 00:30:10
Well, I'll take them off if you want....
ShredheadPosted - 30 Jan 2009 : 22:34:15
This from a man that wears thongs.......LOL
AXEMAN2415Posted - 29 Jan 2009 : 13:57:19
Don't be jealous, doesn't become
ShredheadPosted - 29 Jan 2009 : 04:46:12
I thought this would explain the relationship between the English & us Aussies pretty well .

Hey look at that , if you replace "England" with "America" still makes sense lol
AXEMAN2415Posted - 24 Jan 2009 : 21:48:07
Oops , thought of another one

Mad Max : These hand cuffs are hi-tensile & will take you at least 10 mins to cut through......if you start now , you could make it through your leg in 5 .
in case you haven't seen it

Man, talk about "Roast Chicken".....
AXEMAN2415Posted - 24 Jan 2009 : 21:43:33
Boy...I haven't seen Mad Max since....well, before Anon was born! lol!

AnonJrPosted - 22 Jan 2009 : 06:18:46
Do you know how long its been since I last saw Mad Max?

And that is a young Jesse Spencer!
ShredheadPosted - 22 Jan 2009 : 02:03:30
Oops , thought of another one

Mad Max : These hand cuffs are hi-tensile & will take you at least 10 mins to cut through......if you start now , you could make it through your leg in 5 .
in case you haven't seen it
ShredheadPosted - 22 Jan 2009 : 01:49:04
Oh , you mean this Dr Chase ? lol

I think Dr House should've said that to William Wallace....or Billy Connolly.......hey ! now there's an idea for an episode lol

Dr House : you put the Queen on your money , you're British
William Wallace : THOK !!

Billy Connolly : @#%$^&(! $$%^ ##$ @!@# %%^& *&^
AnonJrPosted - 21 Jan 2009 : 08:39:42
New York is a country unto itself... take that interview somewhere else like Raleigh, North Carolina and while no one may know of "Red Rooster", they will surely know at least 20 ways to prep a chicken.

I was laughing at the guy who thought it was an English accent!

Having said that, I've been watching House on DVD and it made me think of one of the scenes. Dr. House (an Englishman playing an American - and very convincingly) is giving Dr. Chase (an Aussie playing an Aussie - and very convincingly ) a hard time about the way he phrased something.

Dr. House: I assume 'minimal at best' is your stiff upper lip British way of saying "no chance in hell."
Dr. Chase: I'm Australian.
Dr. House: You put the Queen on your money; you're British.

I tried to find a video, I really did. I find it hard to believe that I was the only one who found that exceedingly hilarious.
ShredheadPosted - 20 Jan 2009 : 01:44:59
Isn't that what you do with your teeth before you visit the proctologist ? lol
AXEMAN2415Posted - 19 Jan 2009 : 15:51:58
I want to come there and ask you Aussies if you know what Grits
AXEMAN2415Posted - 19 Jan 2009 : 15:42:59
I know what roasted chicken is. Yeah, we have that here. Of course, we don't call it "Red Rooster."

Of course, this interview took place in New York, right? lol! Come to the South and you'll find out that there's all sorts of stuff they've never heard of.

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