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AnonJrPosted - 02 Jan 2007 : 23:01:57
I just wanted to let you all know that the interview with Take12Radio will air this Friday the 5th on the radio site.

The Monty'man will be interviewing the guys. You do not want to miss this.
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
herbhalsteadPosted - 24 Feb 2007 : 00:57:36
Here is a direct link to the interview:
AnonJrPosted - 06 Jan 2007 : 12:47:01
Finally got a chance to listen to it. That was hilarious!
AXEMAN2415Posted - 05 Jan 2007 : 14:59:59
Cool!!! I`m listen to right now!!!

Yes...I was great, wasn't I?
AnonJrPosted - 05 Jan 2007 : 14:54:04
Grrr. The firewall at work is blocking it.
FishingdPosted - 05 Jan 2007 : 12:21:18
Greatttt Show!!!LOL I love it..
FishingdPosted - 05 Jan 2007 : 12:20:11
Cool!!! I`m listen to right now!!!
jim@souljoyrecordsPosted - 05 Jan 2007 : 09:54:29
The Take12Radio interview is now running
jim@souljoyrecordsPosted - 04 Jan 2007 : 21:50:37
The interview will be up for listening this Friday the 5th of January around noon eastern time. I will confirm that with Monty. ROCK ON FOR JESUS you cool dudes...
AXEMAN2415Posted - 04 Jan 2007 : 13:43:03
Anon, you unhook from your I.V.?
FishingdPosted - 03 Jan 2007 : 22:55:45
lack of caffeine that works for me...your pardon.LOL
AnonJrPosted - 03 Jan 2007 : 06:25:52
Jim never gave me a time, so I'll have to get back with you on that.

As for the Feb bit, pardon the "lack of caffeine moment".
Captain BlastoPosted - 03 Jan 2007 : 04:58:37
Ummm.... Isn't it still like January dude? So uhhh... is it this Friday or is it in February? And like ummm.. what time?

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