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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AnonJrPosted - 16 Jun 2008 : 22:50:14
There are a lot of y'all out their who don't receive the announcements like new newsletter posts, etc. via the forum software. Up until now, I've been sending out an e-mail. Unfortunately, because of the ever increasing problems with spammers its hard to send an e-mail to approximately 150 people with out getting constantly locked as a spammer. So its time to take it to the next level - using a distribution service like Google Groups. At this point in time this is going to be more of a broadcast channel. For two-way discussion we're still using the forums.

This will probably become an additional means for sending out announcements etc. We will continue to use the website as the primary means for getting information out there.

Here is the group's address:

Nothing has been posted yet as I included this month's announcement in with the invite to use the group.

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