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T O P I C    R E V I E W
DosvorPosted - 19 Apr 2007 : 13:02:28
Jay what is up man!! This is Hank from way, way back. I found this website late last night. I'm at work right now so I have to keep it brief. I browsed through your website and I must say I am inpressed with what I see. I listened too samples of the songs and they are really really good. I recognize the guitar player from somewhere and the singer as well (at least I think I do :)).

I finally got a hold of Pyong and he gave me your phone number. My son (he is only 4) changed the notepad I had it saved in with various numbers and letters and resaved it so I lost it, but I got it back from Pyong again. I will have to call you either Friday or Saturday since I am off work those 2 days.

Getting busy here, now. I come back later.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AXEMAN2415Posted - 01 May 2007 : 07:23:14
I'll TP his keyboard...

Be might make Sheryl Crow mad....
Captain BlastoPosted - 01 May 2007 : 01:45:12
I'll TP his keyboard...
DosvorPosted - 30 Apr 2007 : 19:07:41
HAH!! He just called me and I missed the call, figures.. Jay if you see this I'll call you within the hour. I am going to leave work a hour early tonight. I'll spam your phone if I have too <wink>
AXEMAN2415Posted - 30 Apr 2007 : 01:06:52
Dosvor, Jay doesn't even answer the phone for us, and we're his bandmates! lol! So don't feel bad...
DosvorPosted - 30 Apr 2007 : 01:03:10
I've called you at least 4 times!! How bout you answer your phone? <grin>

My work hrs are crazy right now. I get off tonight at 2am and have to return to work in the morning by 10 am. I am going to call you when I get off work tomorrow (Monday) night at about 9pm.
Jacob7Posted - 21 Apr 2007 : 12:47:30
Hank my brother from another mother,
What is going on just wanted to show some love to your post, and man I can't wait to talk to ya. Hope to call ya today.....answer your phone! I am glad you like the tunes, hope they move ya. Hollar back I'll be lookin for ya! peace to ya brother.
Jay from around the way
AnonJrPosted - 19 Apr 2007 : 22:45:35
Hello Hank. I don't know if you've noticed, but Jay's a little irregular in his visits through the forum... hence why I changed his title to "The Invisible Bassist"

Glad to have you around.

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