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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BassGuitar777Posted - 22 Sep 2009 : 20:55:33
In two days, I get to see Stryper at the House of Blues in Cleveland! SO PUMPED!
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BassGuitar777Posted - 25 Sep 2009 : 15:25:04
They actually had Tim play instead of Tracy since it's the 25th Anniversary Tour.
AXEMAN2415Posted - 24 Sep 2009 : 21:40:00
Way cool! I've heard the new material, and it rocks!
BassGuitar777Posted - 23 Sep 2009 : 20:57:49
Yeah, the only line-up change is that Tracy Ferrie is playing instead of Tim Gaines. TOMMORROW NIGHT!
ShredheadPosted - 23 Sep 2009 : 01:50:33
Is Oz still playing with them ?

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