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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BassGuitar777Posted - 28 Feb 2010 : 09:01:17
What a great band! Any fans?

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Captain BlastoPosted - 10 Mar 2010 : 18:55:49
Here is the REAL future source of man-made global warming... Good old Nikolai... I wonder why the Bible says that in the last days men will be scorched by the sun? Could it be that unwise men will damage the ionosphere?
BassGuitar777Posted - 10 Mar 2010 : 16:51:34
There are some swear words on there though. :(
AXEMAN2415Posted - 09 Mar 2010 : 20:35:32
I must get it, eventually
BassGuitar777Posted - 09 Mar 2010 : 16:54:50
The music is their HEAVIEST album ever! Especially the song Solution!
AXEMAN2415Posted - 08 Mar 2010 : 18:41:34
That's an album that I have seen, but not heard.
BassGuitar777Posted - 06 Mar 2010 : 18:54:43
I was listening to Bust A Nut today! HEAVY METAL!
AXEMAN2415Posted - 06 Mar 2010 : 00:59:09
I loved the band ever since they came out
BassGuitar777Posted - 01 Mar 2010 : 17:45:09
The real lightbulb inventor!

How 'bout the band?
AnonJrPosted - 28 Feb 2010 : 12:40:57
Tesla? I love his work.

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