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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AnonJrPosted - 10 Jul 2009 : 18:18:20
Originally posted at Techdirt:
From Russia, With Stupidity: Band Must Pay Fines To Itself
from the in-russia-songs-copyright-you dept
by Mike Masnick Fri, Jul 10th 2009 10:57am

Reader Wesha sends in the news that the band Deep Purple has been fined for performing its own songs in Russia without first getting a license from the Russian Authors' Society (NGO). And it wasn't a small fine either, approximately $1,000 per song. Oh, but wait, it gets better. According to one news organization, the money will be passed along to the victim, a band called... Deep Purple. Yes, that's right. Apparently, the band needs to pay a fine for performing the songs without properly licensing them from itself... so now it'll pay the fine and the fine will be given to the band (minus a commission to the Russian Authors' Society, of course.) Common sense just died.

... where do I begin?

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